Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Propaganda wars - Twitter and Facebook said they believe Beijing is behind a coordinated social media campaign

Propaganda war
Propaganda war
Twitter and Facebook said they believe Beijing is behind a coordinated social media campaign trying to discredit Hong Kong protesters, including posts comparing the largely non-violent demonstrators to Islamist militants.
Hard shell, soft spot
Hard shell, soft spot
Scientists are worried sea turtles are threatened by "extreme concentrations" of microplastic polluting the Sargasso Sea, a stretch of the Atlantic home to an array of spawning marine life.
Tears of joy
Tears of joy
Rape victim Evelyn Hernandez walked out of an El Salvador court a free woman, having previously been accused of murder after giving birth to a stillborn baby.
"Enlightened capitalism"
"Enlightened capitalism"
Over 100 top CEOs announced that they no longer viewed serving shareholders as their primary goal: they would instead value employees and the environment. But is this a PR stunt, or will it mean real change?
Back off
Back off
Elton John and Ellen DeGeneres have slammed the British press for giving Prince Harry and Meghan Markle a tough time over their private jet jaunts of late.
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