Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Why President Trump Sounded like a "Broken Record" at the United Nations

WEST SACRAMENTO CA (IFS) -- President Trump's speech to the United Nations just proved to the rest of the world we have an "Idiot" in the White House.  Kenny Smith's "SMITHBITS" RANT & RAVE Radio Show, gives no ground to as to why the President lives in television land and have not a clue as to what damage he is doing to the United States for decades to come.

Trump rant and rave on "nothing" of substance, except for every other president in the world that he loves for their violence against their citizens, with exceptions noted.

Facebook.com's Google Analytics showed that the Russian ads were paid in rubles.  OK!  We talked about "Micro Targeting" in the Facebook's members, with information about "targeting" with Jared Kushner's video talking about how he used this procedure, and the crazy's thing, the Russian Ad Buyers, just so happen to purchase that same "Targeting Group". 

As Arsenio Hall would say. . ." Things that make you go, Humm." 

President Trump has world ratings lower than the leaders he hates so much.  They rate higher than him.

President Trump leaves the real audience "the world" in utter confusion and with his "double tonguing" and talking out of both sides of his neck, use can believe anything he says, ever!

After making a deal with "Chuck and Nancy", the president attempted to call them liars and explain "that is not what I said."  But that is just what he said.  

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