Monday, July 24, 2017

prri's the morning buzz


July 24, 2017 | Welcome to PRRI's Morning Buzz, your daily dose of religion-related news with a shot of data -- because what doesn't liven up a morning round-up like some public opinion numbers?
Some photos from a hardcore Christian rock and metal festival to start off your Monday.
Sean Spicer resigned as White House press secretary last week. His departure was said to be prompted by the appointment of Wall Street financier Anthony Scaramucci as communications director.
The Christian Broadcasting Network, which earlier this month broadcast a rare non-Fox interview with President Trump, has launched a new online talk show on politics called "Faith Nation." The first guest was (now former) Press Secretary Sean Spicer, who granted Pat Robertson an on-camera interview with the president after nearly a month of off-camera White House press briefings.
A climate scientist and former policy director for the Interior Department says the Trump administration demoted him for discussing the potential dangers of climate change. Per PRRI polling, Republicans are over three times as likely as Democrats to say there is no evidence that the earth's temperature has been rising (46 percent vs 13 percent, respectively). Similarly, Democrats are roughly three times as likely as Republicans to say the earth is warming and these changes are primarily driven by human activity (65 percent vs. 22 percent, respectively). Fewer than three in ten Republicans (28 percent) and Democrats (20 percent) say the earth is warming and these changes are natural fluctuations in the earth's environment or are uncertain of the cause.
The average American household now has a jaw-dropping 828 percent more student debt than it did in 1999, per Federal Reserve Bank of New York data. According to the recent PRRI/The Atlantic survey report, Americans overall are more likely to say a college education is a smart investment (55 percent) than to say it is more of a gamble that might not ultimately pay off (43 percent), but there are important class divides. A majority (63 percent) of white college-educated Americans say it's a smart investment, while a majority (54 percent) of white working-class Americans say it's a gamble. Notably, 61 percent of white working-class men say college is a gamble, compared to 49 percent of white working-class women.

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